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Re: DM: Decision TreesFrom: David Jensen Date: Fri, 5 Dec 1997 11:38:35 -0500 (EST) Patrick Canarelli writes that previous discussions on this list concluded that: 1) the three families of decision tree algorithms (CARTŪ , ML, and AID) differ in only small ways; and 2) all lead to similar results. In a recent paper, Tim Oates and I show that different pruning approaches (those from the CARTŪ family and those from the ML family) can lead to radically different behavior in how tree size varies with training set size. Ideally, training set size should not affect the size of the tree, particularly after some "correct" sized tree is obtained. However, our experiments show that methods from the ML family produce a striking linear relationship between training set size and tree size, even after the accuracy of those trees has ceased to increase. CARTŪ 's approach to pruning is much less likely to exhibit this behavior. In a related paper, Oates, Cohen, and I summarize some of our own research on likely causes and show how TBA -- an algorithm somewhat similar to CHAID -- also avoids this pathology. Methods from the CARTŪ , ML, and AID families may produce models with roughly equivalent accuracy, but the complexity of models from the ML family of algorithms can be much higher. See below for details on the papers. David Jensen ------------------------------------------------------------------- Department of Computer Science jensen@cs.umass.edu Box 34610 LGRC http://eksl-www.cs.umass.edu/~jensen/ University of Massachusetts Voice: 413-545-9677 Amherst, MA 01003-4610 Fax: 413-545-1249 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tim Oates and David Jensen, "The Effects of Training Set Size on Decision Tree Complexity." Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Machine Learning. 1997. pp. 254-262. http://eksl-www.cs.umass.edu/papers/oatesML97.ps Abstract: This paper presents experiments with 19 datasets and 5 decision tree pruning algorithms that show that increasing training set size often results in a linear increase in tree size, even when that additional complexity results in no significant increase in classification accuracy. Said differently, removing randomly selected training instances often results in trees that are substantially smaller and just as accurate as those built on all available training instances. This implies that decreases in tree size obtained by more sophisticated data reduction techniques should be decomposed into two parts: that which is due to reduction of training set size, and the remainder, which is due to how the method selects instances to discard. We perform this decomposition for one recent data reduction technique, John's Robust-C4.5, and show that a large percentage of its effect on tree size is attributable to the fact that it simply reduces the size of the training set. We conclude that random data reduction is a baseline against which more sophisticated data reduction techniques should be compared. Finally, we examine one possible cause of the pathological relationship between tree size and training set size. David Jensen, Tim Oates, and Paul R. Cohen. "Building Simple Models: A Case Study with Decision Trees." Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis. July 1997. http://eksl-www.cs.umass.edu/papers/jensenida97.ps Abstract: Building correctly-sized models is a central challenge for induction algorithms. Many approaches to decision tree induction fail this challenge. Under a broad range of circumstances, these approaches exhibit a nearly linear relationship between training set size and tree size, even after accuracy has ceased to increase. These algorithms fail to adjust for the statistical effects of comparing multiple subtrees. Adjusting for these effects produces trees with little or no excess structure.