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DM: CFP WEBKDD'99: Workshop on Web Usage Analysis and UserFrom: Brij Masand Date: Thu, 6 May 1999 13:40:15 -0400 (EDT) Profiling Call For Papers WEBKDD'99: Workshop on Web Usage Analysis and User Profiling Sunday, August 15,1999, San Diego, CA, USA, in conjunction with KDD99: The ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD99) (August 15-18) http://research.microsoft.com/datamine/kdd99/ Deadline for extended abstract submission: June 7 Workshop inquiries and submissions: webkdd99@gte.com Workshop URL: http://www.wiwi.hu-berlin.de/~myra/WEBKDD99 The exponential growth of web usage is resulting in rapidly growing datasets of valuable information on how successfully a web site is used and accepted by its visitors. This information spans web access logs, descriptions of user interests, data and meta-data on the site. Aggregate analysis of such data can give insight into site visitation patterns and responses to web marketing efforts, while user-oriented analysis is necessary to build personalized and adaptive content. Evaluating web usage data with KDD techniques has the potential of increasing the value and the acceptance of a web site. At the same time, the scope of the data capture and its use raises new privacy concerns. The objective of this workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners from three areas: those developing and applying analytical methods for web data mining and user profiling, those focusing on the interpretation and use of the web mining results and those investigating approaches for resolving privacy issues. The workshop will address topics such as: -- approaches to the preparation and analysis of web usage data -- sources and nature of web data -- integrating data on web usage from multiple sources -- user profiling techniques, including real-time profiling -- methodologies for the evaluation of web mining results -- generation of adaptive, personalized web pages -- standards for web data capture and analysis -- privacy issues related to web data capture and its use -- application domains e.g. e-commerce, web marketing, tele-teaching Submissions on the above and related topics of web usage analysis are invited. Case studies and industrial experience from the development and deployment of web usage analysis techniques/products are particularly welcome. Besides technical presentations, WEBKDD'99 will also feature invited talks and software demonstrations. We are inquiring about publishing the workshop proceedings as a volume or special issue. There is no separate registration fee for participating in the workshop, but workshop attendance is by invitation only. SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: Submission is by extended abstract (5 pages, approx. 3000 words) in Postscript, PDF or Microsoft Word '97(or earlier) format. A separate title page should include the title, authors and abstract of the submission. Contact author (including email) should be specified. Submissions should be sent electronically to webkdd99@gte.com IMPORTANT DATES: Extended Abstracts Due: June 7 acceptance: July 1 Camera ready copy: July 15 Workshop: Sunday, Aug 15th,1999 (Main conference Aug 16,17,18) REGISTRATION: There is no separate registration fee for participating in the workshop, but workshop attendance is by invitation only and is limited to 60 participants. Updated information on registration etc. will be posted at http://www.wiwi.hu-berlin.de/~myra/WEBKDD99 WORKSHOP CHAIRS: Brij Masand Dr. Myra Spiliopoulou Advanced Systems Lab. Institute of Information Systems, GTE Laboratories, Waltham, Ma,USA Faculty of Economics, Humboldt-University Berlin email: brij@gte.com email: myra@wiwi.hu-berlin.de http://www.wiwi.hu-berlin.de/~myra PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Peter Brusilovsky (Human-Computer Interaction Institute, Carnegie Mellon Univ.) David Martin (IBM, Global Business Intelligence, TX, USA) Christos Papatheodorou (NCSR Demokritos, Greece) John Roddick (Univ. of South Australia) Steve Smith (Optas Inc., MA, USA) Ramakrishna Srikant (IBM, Almaden Research Center, CA, USA) Alex Tuzhilin (Stern School of Business, New York University)