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DM: CEC2000 Congress on Evolotionary Computation -Call for TutorialsFrom: i.kuscu Date: Wed Nov 17 21:20:47 1999 **** Apologies if you receive multiple copies ****** Dear Colleague, The 2000 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC'2000) will highlight recent research covering all forms of evolutionary computation while fostering intertechnique discussions and cooperative progress in the evolutionary computation field. The CEC'2000 Program Committee is now inviting proposals for tutorials to be held during the 2000 Congress on Evolutionary Computation. Tutorials provide a means for (senior) researchers to present an overview of a field related to evolutionary computation. A tutorial should not be a technical presentation focussing on ones own work only. It should preferably handle a relatively large chunk of knowledge on a specific area, typically at an introductory level. For example you can have a look at the tutorial programme of the CEC'99 at http://scai.snu.ac.kr/~btzhang/conferences/cec99/tutorials.html The entire EC community is encouraged to submit proposals as well as experts of related fields, such as for example evolutionary economics, artificial life, or multi-agent systems. Proposals for tutorials should be one page in length and should contain the following information: 1. Title2. Name and full contact information of the proposer(s) 3. A brief description (one or two paragraphs) of the topics 4. Any resource requirements, e.g. computers, equipment setup etc. 5. An optional label being either "novice" (e.g. Intro to GP) or "advanced" (e.g. Recent advances in parallel GAs). Deadline Proposals should be submitted to the tutorial chair A.E. Eiben by email: gusz@cs.vu.nl no later than February 1, 2000. Notification The proposals will be evaluated and proposers will be notified of acceptance/rejection by March 1, 2000. Inquiries Please send all inquiries regarding tutorials by email to the tutorial chair by email: gusz@cs.vu.nl. Kind RegardsDr I.Kuscu CEC2000 Publicity Chair Department of Computing University of Surrey http://www.computing.surrey.ac.uk/personal/st/I.Kuscu/ *** Please visit Congress on Evolutionary Computation: *** http://pcgipseca.cee.hw.ac.uk/cec2000/