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DM: ANNOUNCEMENT: Grad School Mailing List

From: Robyn Miller
Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2000 18:57:51 -0500
Please accept my apologies for extensively cross-posting this message.

Hi Folks,

I've just started a mailing list for grad students and prospective grad
students in the mathematical sciences and the quantitative social sciences.
If interested, you can subscribe yourself at the URL below:

Also, if you know anyone else who might be interested in joining, please

I am in the process of trying to build a solid membership base and would
appreciate any assistance you could provide.  A description of the group

The purpose of this list is to provide a gathering place where for grad
students (and aspiring grad students) in Economics, Finance, Math,
Statistics and related disciplines.  Students in  these disciplines share
some meaningful common experiences:

a) brutal competition to get into good programs

b) grueling first-year coursework and qualifying exams often meant to
"weed-out" a significant proportion of the incoming class

c)skills, aptitudes and interests that can be easily turned to one's
advantage in the private sector (hence, serious decisions about how to
concentrate one's studies to keep all options open while maintaining an eye,
perhaps, toward the academic job market)

d)disciplinary cultures -- esp. at the grad level-- which are bit less than
"warm and fuzzy," and profs/fellow-students who may be dearly wanting in
some of the more important interpersonal skills etc.

e) research activities which are neither laboratory-based (as with the lab
sciences & engineering) nor library-based  (as with the softer social
sciences & humanities)

Ideally, this will become a vibrant forum where students from a cross-secion
of related disciplines at many different universities might share their
questions, concerns, frustrations and insights in a setting of relative
anonymity and comfort.

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