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Re: DM: RE: Data Forms for Mining

From: Charles R. Berger
Date: Tue, 30 May 2000 11:16:01 -0400
  • Organization: Oracle Corproation


Oracle Darwin requires that the data be in a single table of N rows and M columns. The good news is that both N and M can be very large (limited in Darwin only by the amount of disk space and memory). Fortunately, there exists many good tools for performing database table joins, etc. to get the data in a format ready to be mined.

Once the data is in a N x M table, Darwin (an many other data mining applications) provides a rich set of data transformation functions to transform the data to try to bring the information closer to the surface of the data. Also, we support feature selection functions (we call it the "key fields wizard") to identify the importance of each variable as a predictor and to winnow down the candidate variables used in subsequent modeling.

Naturally, as a database vendor Oracle will strive to provide functionality that mitigates this problem and hopefully enhances your ability to deal with common data scenarios.

Hope this helps.

Greg wrote:

 > Thanks for the information about Darwin.   I will look at that product.   I
 > am a
 > little (lot?) confussed.   Do these products require all the data to be in a
 > single file or can they handle a set of related files?   The answers so far
 > indicate a single file scan.   That would require a design decisioin of 
 > lowest parameter.   All of the records designed around the Customer and an
 > instance with that Customer.  Am I reading this correctly?    When 
designing a
 > database to be used with one of the DM tools, are there basic/general 
 > that go into the design?
 > Greg

Charles Berger

Director of Marketing, Data Mining
Oracle Corporation
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