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DM: Neural Network Software

From: Cristina Davino
Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2000 16:33:21 +0200

Dear friends,
we  are  developing a study on neural  networks software  whose purpose is
the improvement  of  the quality of neural networks software.
If you are the developer or the maintainer of a Neural Networks software,
we  would  be very pleased if you could fill  the
following  questionnaire  so  as  to  include  your software  in  our study
and if you could  supply  a list (name and e-mail) of three users who
might  be willing to give their assessment of your software's capabilities.

Please,  reply  by  e-mail to or  by fax to +39 081
675009 or by ordinary mail to Cristina  Davino  - Department
of  Mathematics  and Statistics, University of Naples Federico  II,  Via
Cinthia Monte S. Angelo, 80126 Naples, Italy.

          Thanks for cooperating.

          Best regards,
          Cristina Davino
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Naples Federico II Via Cinthia Monte S. Angelo 80126 Naples
Tel. +39 081 675183
Fax +39 081 675009

1.  Software Name    ____________________
2.  Country_____________________
3.  Year of the first version of the product _______
4.  Year of the latest version of the product________
5.  On which platform can the software work?
|_| Dos
|_| Windows
|_| Macintosh
|_| Unix
|_| Other _____________
6.  How can be classified the software?
|_| Freeware
|_| Shareware
|_| Commercial
7.  What are the minimal configuration requirements?
Space    ____________      RAM ________________
Processor____________      Other    ________________
8. What is the programming language used for the development  of the
software?    ____________________
9. Has  the software a Graphical User Interface?  |_|Yes   |_|No
10. Does  the software provide a programming language that allows to
introduce user defined functions?
|_| Yes      if Yes, which one: ____________)
|_| No
11. How can you define the actual state of the product?
|_| finished
|_| under development and innovation
|_| under total changements
12. Is  the  software  part  of  some general  purpose  software? |_|
Yes    |_| No
13. Which is the maximum data sets size?
Number of rows:            Number of columns:
14. Which kind of data can be imported?
|_| Text/ASCII
|_| Excel
|_| Access
|_| Other ___________
15. Does the software provide the following utils? |_| a data sheet that
allows to input the data
|_| export of tables
|_| export of graphs
|_| print of output tables |_| print of output graph
16. What  are the main distribution and support features  of  the software?
|_| on-line help
|_| users'manual
|_| technical support available
|_| demo and examples
|_| guided installation program
17. Is it present an intelligent checking of user actions in your
software?   |_| Yes  |_| No
18. Which kind of learning algorithms are implemented?
|_| Supervised
|_| Unsupervised
|_| Supervised and Unsupervised
19. How many learning algorithms are implemented? ___________
20. Does your software provide Pre-processing techniques?
|_| Yes  (if Yes, Which ones: ____________________________)
|_| No
21. Does the software include missing values treatment procedures? |_|
Yes  (if Yes, Which ones: ____________________________)
|_| No
22. Does  your  software  provide automatic  procedures  for  the selection
of the architecture?
|_| Pruning       Which ones _______________
|_| Decision Trees
|_| Others    _________________
23. Which kind of transfer functions are implemented?
|_| linear
|_| logistic
|_| tangent
|_| hyperbolic
|_| Other ________
24. Which kind of training styles are implemented?
|_| Incremental training
|_| Batch training
25. Which kind of net input functions are implemented?
|_| product
|_| sum
|_| Other ___________
26. Does the software provide improving generalization techniques? |_|
|_| Early Stopping
|_| Other ___________
27. Which kind of performance measures are implemented? |_| Mean Square Error
|_| Mean Absolute Error
|_| Root Mean Square Error |_| Other __________________
28. Does the software allows to introduce user defined: |_| transfer functions
|_| net input functions
|_| performance measures
29. Does   the  software  provide  validation  of  the   results techniques?
|_| Cross-validation
|_| Bootstrap
|_| Jackknife
|_| Others ______
30. What are the main extendibility features of the software? |_|
possibility to add user defined learning algorithms
|_| possibility to add user defined transfer functions |_| possibility to
eliminate some weights of the net
31. Do you think the software is easy to learn?
|_| very easy
|_| quite easy
|_| not easy
32. Is the software configurable by the user?|_| No   |_| Yes
33. Who are the software tipical users?
|_| very expert Neural Networks users |_| quite expert Neural Networks
users |_| not expert Neural Networks users
34.  What  is  the fields of application nearest to  the  software features?
|_| Statistics
|_| Phisics
|_| Engineering
|_| Biology
|_| Medicine
|_| Other _______
35. Do you think the software is suitable for:
|_| teaching
|_| research
|_| Other

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