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DM: Web Intelligence (WI'2001): Call for Papers

From: Ning Zhong
Date: Wed, 2 Aug 2000 16:08:18 +0900 (JST)
         *                   First                      *
         *              CALL FOR PAPERS                 *
         *                                              *
         *     The First Asia-Pacific Conference on     *
         *         Web Intelligence (WI'2001)           *
         *         ==========================           *
         *                                              *
         *     Maebashi TERRSA, Maebashi City, Japan    *
         *             October 23-26, 2001              *

               WI'2001 will be jointly held with
              The Second Asia-Pacific Conference on
              Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT'2001)

The 21st century is the age of Internet and World Wide Web. The Web
revolutionizes the way we gather, process, and use information. At the
same time, it also redefines the meanings and processes of business,
commerce, marketing, finance, publishing, education, research,
development, as well as other aspects of our daily life.  Although
individual Web-based information systems are constantly being
deployed, advanced issues and techniques for developing and for
benefiting from Web intelligence still remain to be systematically

Broadly speaking, Web Intelligence (WI) exploits AI and advanced
information technology on the Web and Internet.  It is the key and the
most urgent research field of IT for business intelligence.

The Asia-Pacific Conference on Web Intelligence (WI) is an
international forum for researchers and practitioners

(1) to present the state-of-the-art in the development of Web intelligence;
(2) to examine performance characteristics of various approaches in
     Web-based intelligent information technology;
(3) to cross-fertilize ideas on the development of
     Web-based intelligent information systems among different domains.

By idea-sharing and discussions on the underlying foundations and the
enabling technologies of Web intelligence, WI'2001 is expected to
stimulate the future development of new models, new methodologies, and
new tools for building a variety of embodiments of Web-based
intelligent information systems.

The Asia-Pacific Conference on Web Intelligence (WI) is
a high-quality, high-impact biennial conference series.
It will be jointly held with the Asia-Pacific Conference on
Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT).


WI'2001 welcomes submissions of original papers. The technical issues to
be addressed include, but not limited to:

* Web Human-Media Engineering:

   - Art of Web Page Design
   - Multimedia Information Representation
   - Multimedia Information Processing
   - Visualization of Web Information
   - Web-Based Human Computer Interface

* Web Information Management:

   - Data Quality Management
   - Information Transformation
   - Internet and Web-Based Data Management
   - Multi-Dimensional Web Databases and OLAP
   - Multimedia Information Management
   - New Data Models for the Web
   - Object Oriented Web Information Management
   - Personalized Information Management
   - Semi-Structured Data Management
   - Use and Management of Metadata
   - Web Knowledge Management
   - Web Page Automatic Generation and Updating
   - Web Security, Integrity, Privacy and Trust

* Web Information Retrieval:

   - Approximate Retrieval
   - Conceptual Information Extraction
   - Image Retrieval
   - Multi-Linguistic Information Retrieval
   - Multimedia Retrieval
   - New Retrieval Models
   - Ontology-Based Information Retrieval
   - Automatic Web Content Cataloging and Indexing

* Web Agents:

   - Dynamics of Information Sources
   - E-mail Filtering
   - E-mail Semi-Automatic Reply
   - Global Information Collecting
   - Information Filtering
   - Navigation Guides
   - Recommender Systems
   - Remembrance Agents
   - Reputation Mechanisms
   - Resource Intermediary and Coordination Mechanisms
   - Web-Based Cooperative Problem Solving

* Web Mining and Farming:

   - Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
   - Hypertext Analysis and Transformation
   - Learning User Profiles
   - Multimedia Data Mining
   - Regularities in Web Surfing and Internet Congestions
   - Text Mining
   - Web-Based Ontology Engineering
   - Web-Based Reverse Engineering
   - Web Farming
   - Web-Log Mining
   - Web Warehousing

* Web Information System Environment and Fundations:

   - Competitive Dynamics of Web Sites
   - Emerging Web Technology
   - Network Community Formation and Support
   - New Web Information Description and Query Languages
   - Theories of Small World Web
   - Web Information System Development Tools
   - Web Protocols

* Web-Based Applications:

   - Business Intelligence
   - Computational Societies and Markets
   - Conversational Systems
   - Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
   - Direct Marketing
   - Electronic Commerce and Electronic Business
   - Electronic Library
   - Information Markets
   - Price Dynamics and Pricing Algorithms
   - Measuring and Analyzing Web Merchandising
   - Web-Based Decision Support Systems
   - Web-Based Distributed Information Systems
   - Web-Based EDI
   - Web Marketing
   - Web Publishing


High quality papers in all WI related areas are solicited.  Papers
exploring new directions will receive a careful and supportive review.
All submitted papers will be reviewed on the basis of technical
quality, relevance, significance, and clarity.  Electronic submission
is encouraged and preferred.  Please send LaTex (MS-Words, or PDF) and
PostScript versions of your paper, and an ASCII version of the cover
page (in separate email), by March 20, 2001 to:


Four (4) hardcopies of the paper by regular mail are also requested
if electronic submission is not possible.
Please send hardcopies of your paper by March 20, 2001 to:

                 Prof. Yiyu Yao (WI'2001)
                 Department of Computer Science
                 University of Regina
                 Regina, Saskatchewan
                 Canada S4S 0A2

                 Phone: (306) 585-5213/5226
                 Fax: (306) 585-4745

The ASCII version of a cover page must include author(s) full address,
email, paper title and a 200 word abstract, and up to 5 keywords.

Accepted papers are expected to be published in the conference
proceedings by Springer-Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Artificial
Intelligence series (LNCS/LNAI).  A selected number of WI'2001
accepted papers will be expanded and revised for inclusion in
"Knowledge and Information Systems: An International Journal" by
Springer-Verlag and in "International Journal of Pattern Recognition
and Artificial Intelligence" by World Scientific. WI best paper award
will be conferred on the author(s) of the best papers at the


WI'2001 also welcomes submissions of research projects, research prototypes,
experimental systems, and potential commercial products for
demonstrations at the conference. Each submission should include a
title page containing a title, a 200-300 word abstract, a list of
keywords, the names, mailing addresses, and Email addresses of the
presenters, and a two-page description of the demo system. Submissions
should reach the WI'2001 Demos Chair:

	Dr. Yiming Ye (WI'2001)
	IBM T.J. Watson Research Center
	30 Saw Mill River Road (Route 9A)
	Hawthorne, N.Y. 10532

	Tel: (914) 784-7460

by July 2, 2001

Authors of accepted WI'2001 papers will be invited to
demonstrate their systems at the conference.

It is understood that once a submission is selected for demonstration
at the conference, the presenter(s) of the demo will be responsible for
bringing necessary software/hardware equipment.


      March 20, 2001   Paper submission deadline
        May 20, 2001   Notification of paper acceptance mailed
       June 20, 2001   Camera-ready copies of accepted papers due
        July 2, 2001   Demo submission deadline
      August 3, 2001   Notification of demo acceptance mailed
October 23-26, 2001   Conference technical sessions


WI'2001 Conference Organizing Committee
General Chairs:
Jiming Liu, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
Setsuo Ohsuga, Waseda University, Japan

Program Chairs:
Ning Zhong, Maebashi Institute of Technology, Japan
Yiyu Yao, University of Regina, Canada

Demos and Exhibits Chair:
Yiming Ye, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA

Local Organizing Chair:
Nobuo Otani, Maebashi Institute of Technology, Japan

International Advisory Board:
Edward A. Feigenbaum, Stanford University, USA
T.Y. Lin, San Jose State University, USA
Jiming Liu, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong
Setsuo Ohsuga, Waseda University, Japan
Ryuichi Oka, Real World Computing Partnership, Japan
Nobuo Otani, Maebashi Institute of Technology, Japan
Zbigniew W. Ras, University of North Carolina, USA
Andrzej Skowron, Warsaw University, Poland
Xindong Wu, Colorado School of Mines, USA
Yiyu Yao, University of Regina, Canada
Philip Yu, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA
Ning Zhong, Maebashi Institute of Technology, Japan

Program Committee: (to be announced)

Local Organizing Committee:
Hisao Machida (Maebashi Institute of Technology, Japan)
Tadaomi Miyazaki (Maebashi Institute of Technology, Japan)
Nobuo Otani (Maebashi Institute of Technology, Japan)
Sean M. Reedy (Maebashi Institute of Technology, Japan)
Ning Zhong (Maebashi Institute of Technology, Japan)
Yukio Kanazawa (Maebashi Convention Bureau, Japan)
Seiji Murai (Maebashi Convention Bureau, Japan)
Kanehisa Sekine (Maebashi Convention Bureau, Japan)
Midori Asaka (Information Technology Agency (IPA), Japan)
Yoshitsugu Kakemoto (Japan Research Institute, Limited, Japan)


The WI'2001 and IAT'2001 will take place in Maebashi City.
Maebashi City is positioned nearly in the center of the Japan Archipelago.
Maebashi City is also the center of Gunma Prefecture
that is a land of greenery blessed with the wonders of natural beauty
and more than a hundred hot springs offering relaxation and peace of mind.
Only a hundred kilometers from Japan's capital city of Tokyo and reachable
in an hour by bullet train or high-speed expressway, a variety of
favorable land conditions lead to flourishing economic activity.
WI'2001 will organize a tour during the conference
to a resort hotel with hot spring in Ikaho
that is one of the most famous hot springs areas in Gunma.
Maebashi City and the neighboring areas in Gunma are expected
to further develop into an IT conurbation with highly advanced
information technology.


Please send suggestions and inquiries regarding WI'2001 to:

Prof. Ning Zhong (WI'2001)
Department of Information Engineering
Maebashi Institute of Technology
460-1, Kamisadori-Cho, Maebashi-City, 371-0816

TEL&FAX: +81-27-265-7366


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