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DM: KDD-2000 Call for Papers

From: Paul Bradley
Date: Tue, 8 Feb 2000 17:18:20 -0800
                    KDD-2000 Call for Papers

           The Sixth ACM SIGKDD International Conference
              on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

               August 20-23, 2000, Boston, MA, USA


          Electronic abstract for hard copy: Feb 29, 2000
              Hard Copy of full paper: March 3, 2000
     Electronic abstract for electronic submission: Feb 28, 2000
       Electronic submission of full paper: Feb 29-Mar 3, 2000

Research Papers:

Prospective authors are encouraged to submit research papers on any
topics of relevance to knowledge discovery and data mining. In
addition to fundamental research, we solicit papers fostering
cross-fertilization and interdisciplinary integration, as well as
papers that describe significant experiences and implementation

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

KDD Techniques:                    Mining Enterprise Databases:
---------------------------        -----------------------------------
New KDD algorithms                 Scalable algorithms
Mining the Web                     Data cleaning/noisy data
Mining text/multimedia data        Unification of mining with querying
Incremental algorithms             Database architectures for KDD
High-dimensional data              Database primitives for KDD
Background knowledge               Distributed architectures for KDD
Combining multiple models          Integration: mining/warehouse/OLAP

Implementation and Applications:   Human Interaction and the KDD
--------------------------------   ------------------------------------
Implementation & use of KDD        Data and knowledge visualization,
   systems                           and visualization of large, high-
Data mining and e-commerce          dimensional data
Data mining and privacy issues     Evaluating knowledge and potential
Vertical applications               discoveries
Case studies: success/failure      Interactive exploration

How to Submit Research Papers:

Electronic Abstract: By Feb 29, 2000, authors must electronically
submit an abstract containing:

        the title of the paper
        the subject areas of the paper
        the names of the authors
        an abstract of at most 250 words

Hard Copy of Full Paper: By March 3, 2000, authors must submit six
hardcopies of their research paper, which should:

        be a maximum of 20 pages, not counting the title page
        have a line spacing of 1.5
        use no smaller than a 12pt font
        have at least a 1 inch margin on each side

Electronic Submission of Full Paper: Authors may choose to submit the
full research paper electronically instead of submitting hard copy
versions. Electronic submission of papers will begin Feb 29th 1pm PST
and end on March 3rd. To submit an electronic version of the full
paper authors must:

        (1) Submit an Electronic Abstract by Feb 28th

        (2) Submit the full paper in Word 95/97, PDF or PostScript
        format. Word and PDF are the preferred formats, but PostScript
        will be accepted. It is the absolute responsibility of the
        authors to ensure that the submitted papers will print easily
        using a variety of printers. The paper will be rejected if that
        is not the case. All PostScript submissions need to be
        uncompressed and printable by both Windows and Unix machines

        (3) Include their Paper ID (assigned during abstract
        submission) and email address

Note: You must electronically submit an abstract for a paper to be
considered. The address to mail the hardcopies will appear on the
electronic submission confirmation page and will also be emailed to
the author who submits the abstract. The contact author's address,
telephone number, email address and PaperID (which will be assigned by
the electronic submission system) should appear on the title page of
the submission. If you submit your full research paper in hard copy
format, you will receive an email confirmation by March 10th. If you
submit your full research paper electronically, you will receive an
email confirmation within 24 hours of your submission.  Overlength or
late papers will be rejected without review.

All authors of accepted papers will be required to sign copyright
release forms, and one author of each accepted paper will be expected
to present the paper at the conference. Questions regarding research
papers may be directed to program committee chairs: Raghu Ramakrishnan
and Sal Stolfo at


Best Paper Awards: The KDD-2000 Best Papers Awards recognize the best
paper in two categories: fundamental research and applications/applied
research.  Fundamental research papers are judged by the significance
and originality of their contribution.  Application/applied research
papers are judged by the practical impact and current or potential
usefulness of the work.  In both categories, the clarity and quality
of presentation are also considered.

Student Travel Awards: SIGKDD, AAAI, SIGMOD and SIGART are sponsoring
student travel awards to KDD-2000, August 20-23, 2000, Boston, MA.
Detailed information will be made available at


KDD-2000 Program Committee
D. Barbara, George Mason Univ.   R. Bayardo, IBM Almaden
K. Bennett, RPI                  P. Bradley, Microsoft Res.
W. Buntine, Ultimode Sys.        D. Carr, George Mason Univ.
P. Chan, Florida Inst. Tech.     S. Chaudhuri, Microsoft Res.
K. Church, AT&T Research         T. Dasu, AT&T Research
I. Dhillon, Univ. of Texas       T. Dietterich, Oregon State Univ.	
G. Dong, Wright State Univ.      W. Eddy, Carnegie Mellon	
S. Eick, Bell Laboratories       O. Etzioni, Univ. Washington	
C. Faloutsos, Carnegie Mellon    U. Fayyad, Microsoft Res.	
R. Feldman, Bar-Ilan Univ.       T. Fukuda, IBM Japan		
J. Gehrke, Cornell Univ.         C. Glymour, Carnegie Mellon	
W. Grundy, Columbia Univ.        A. Gupta, MIT
D. Heckerman, Microsoft Res.     R. Kohavi, Blue Martini	
L. Lakshmanan, Concordia Univ.   D. Lee, Chon Nam Univ.
W. Lee, North Carolina St. U.    H. Liu, NUS
W.-Y. Loh, Univ. of Wisconsin    H. Lu, HKUST
D. Madigan, AT&T Research        O. Mangasarian, U. of Wisconsin
H. Mannila, Helsinki U. of Tech. B. Masand, Redwood Invest. Sys.
C. Merz, NASA Ames Res. Center   S. Morishita, Univ. of Tokyo	
R. Motwani, Stanford Univ.       R. Miller, Univ. of Toronto
R. Ng, Univ. British Columbia    M. Pazzani, U. C. Irvine
G. Piatetsky-Shapiro,            W. Potts, SAS Institute		
       Knowledge Stream Partners  F. Provost, New York Univ.
R. Rastogi, Bell Laboratories    T. Richardson, Univ. of Wash.
G. Ridgeway, Univ. of Wash.      R. Schapire, AT&T Research
J. Shafer, IBM Almaden           J. Shavlik, Univ. of Wisconsin
N. Soparkar, Univ. of Michigan   P. Stolorz, NASA
H. Toivonen, Nokia               A. Tuzhilin, New York Univ.
K. Wang, NUS                     P. Yu, IBM T.J. Watson Res.

SIGKDD Chair:             Won Kim, Cyber Database Solutions,

KDD-2000 Organizing Committee:
General Chair:            Ismail Parsa, Epsilon,
Program Co-chairs:        Raghu Ramakrishnan, Univ. of Wisconsin,
                           Sal Stolfo, Columbia University,
Advising Co-Chair:        Daryl Pregibon, AT&T Research,
Industrial Track Chairs:  Kenneth Church, AT&T Research,
                           Mario Schkolnick, SGI,
Awards Chair:             Heikki Mannila, Helsinki Univ. of
   Student Travel Awards:  Wenke Lee, NCSU,
Conference Treasurer:     John Lin, Epsilon,
Demos/Exhibits Chair:     Dorian Pyle, Knowledge Stream Partners,
Local Arrangements Chair: Kathleen Wright, Knowledge Stream Partners,
Panels Chair:             Alexander Tuzhilin, New York University,
Proceedings Chair:        Roberto Bayardo, IBM Almaden Research,
Publicity Chair:          Paul Bradley, Microsoft,
Registration Chair:       Amar Gupta, MIT,
Sponsorship Chair:        Robert Grossman, Magnify,
Tutorials Chair:          Raymond Ng, University of British Columbia,
Workshops Chair:          Philip Chan, Florida Institute of

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