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DM: RSCTC'00: Second CFP

From: User Zhong
Date: Wed, 16 Feb 2000 17:23:24 +0900 (JST)
[Apologies if you receive this more than once]

        *                                               *
        *                   Second                      *
        *              CALL FOR PAPERS                  *
        *                                               *
        *   The Second International Conference on      *
        *   Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing  *
        *                (RSCTC'2000)                   *
        *                                               *
        *        Banff Park Lodge, Banff, Canada        *
        *              October 16-19, 2000              *
        *                                               *
        *   *
        *                                               *

Rough Set Theory, proposed first by Zdzislaw Pawlak in the early 80's,
has reached a maturity stage.  In recent years we have witnessed a
rapid growth of interest in rough set theory and its applications,
worldwide.  Various real life applications of rough sets have shown
their usefulness in many domains.  It is felt useful to sum up the
present state of rough set theory and its applications, outline new
areas of development and, last but not least, to work out further
relationships with such areas as soft computing, knowledge discovery
and data mining, intelligent information systems, synthesis and
analysis of complex objects and non-conventional models of
computation.  The First International Conference on Rough Sets and
Current Trends in Computing (RSCTC'98) was held successfully in Poland
in 1998.  RSCTC'2000 will be the second conference of this kind.  Both
RSCTC'98 and RSCTC'2000 grew out of a series of annual International
Workshops devoted to the subject of rough sets held alternatively in
Canada, Japan, Poland and USA.  The aim of RSCTC'2000 is to bring
together researchers from diverse fields of expertise in order to
facilitate mutual understanding and cooperation and to help in
cooperative work aimed at new hybrid paradigms.

The conference is devoted to the following topics:

     rough set theory and applications
     fuzzy set theory and applications
     knowledge discovery and data mining
     machine learning
     computing with words
     granular computing
     neural networks
     evolutionary computing
     Petri nets and concurrency
     pattern recognition and image processing
     non-classical logic
     approximate and uncertain reasoning
     statistical inference
     spatial reasoning
     logical aspects of soft computing
     complexity aspects of soft computing
     applications of soft computing
     decision support systems
     multi-agent systems
     hybrid and integrated intelligent systems

Paper Submission

Both research and application papers are solicited.  All submitted
papers will be reviewed on the basis of technical quality, relevance,
significance, and clarity.  Electronic submission is encouraged and
preferred.  Please send LaTex (MS-Words, PDF, or Html) and PostScript
versions of your paper, and an ASCII version of the cover page (in
separate email), by May 15, 2000 to:

Please also submit Four (4) hard-copies of your paper by May 15, 2000 to:

                 Yiyu Yao (RSCTC'2000)
                 Department of Computer Science
                 University of Regina
                 Regina, Saskatchewan
                 Canada S4S 0A2

                 E-mail: {ziarko, yyao}
                 Phone: (306) 585-5213/5226
                 Fax: (306) 585-4745

Your paper length should be at most ten (10) single-spaced,
single-column pages including all figures, tables, and references.
The ASCII version of a cover page must include author(s) full address,
email, paper title and a 200 word abstract, and up to 5 keywords.

When preparing your paper, please read the Information for Authors and
use the style files for Proceedings and Other Multi-Author Volumes
supplied by Springer-Verlag regarding Lecture Notes in Computer
Science (LNCS).

      Information for Authors:
      Style files:
      Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS):

Workshop and Special Session

If you are interested in organizing a workshop, a special or an
invited session, please contact Professor W. Ziarko at


All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings by
Springer-Verlag in the series of Lecture Notes in Computer Science
(LNCS). LNCS is also published, in parallel to the printed books, in
full-text electronic version.  Authors of accepted paper must also
prepare an electronic version of the paper.

A selected number of RSCTC'2000 accepted papers will be expanded and
revised for inclusion in "Knowledge and Information Systems: An
International Journal" by Springer-Verlag, or "Fundamenta
Informaticae" by IOS Press.

Important Dates

4 copies of full papers received by:        May 15, 2000
Acceptance notices:                         June 20, 2000
Camera-readies due by:                      July 15, 2000
Conference:                                 October 16-19, 2000

Conference Organization

Conference Chair:
     Wojciech Ziarko, University of Regina, Canada

Honorary Chairs:
     Zdzislaw Pawlak, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
     L.A. Zadeh, UC Berkeley, USA

Program Chairs:
     Yiyu Yao, University of Regina, Canada
     Andrzej Skowron (Europe), Warsaw University, Poland
     Shusaku Tsumoto (Asia), Shimane Medical University, Japan

Advisory Board:
     Nick Cercone (Canada)
     Jerzy Grzymala-Busse (USA)
     T.Y. Lin (USA)
     Toshinori Munakata (USA)
     Akira Nakamura (Japan)
     Setsuo Ohsuga (Japan)
     Lech Polkowski (Poland)
     Zbigniew Ras (USA)
     Roman Slowinski (Poland)
     Paul P. Wang (USA)
     Ning Zhong (Japan)

Publicity Chair:
     Ning Zhong, Yamaguchi University, Japan

Local Organization Committee:
     Mengchi Liu (Canada) Chair
     David Brindle (Canada)
     Cory Butz (Canada)

Program Committee:
     Anna Buczak (USA)
     Gianpiero Cattaneo (Italy)
     Juan-Carlos Cubero (Spain)
     Andrzej Czyzewski (Poland)
     Didier Dubois (France)
     Ivo Duentsch (Northern Ireland)
     Maria C. Fernandez (Spain)
     Salvatore Greco (Italy)
     Howard Hamilton (Canada)
     Howard Ho (USA)
     Xiaohua Hu (USA)
     Ryszard Janicki (Canada)
     Julia Johnson (Canada)
     Janusz Kacprzyk (Poland)
     Willi Kloesgen (Germany)
     Jan Komorowski (Norway)
     Jacek Koronacki (Poland)
     Bozena Kostek (Poland)
     Wojtek Kowalczyk (The Netherlands)
     Marzena Kryszkiewicz (Poland)
     Pawan Lingras (Canada)
     Chunnian Liu (China)
     Jiming Liu (Hong Kong)
     Mengchi Liu (Canada)
     Qing Liu (China)
     Tadeusz Luba (Poland)
     Solomon Marcus (Romania)
     Ernestina Menasalvas (Spain)
     Zbigniew Michalewicz (USA)
     Ryszard Michalski (USA)
     John Mordeson (USA)
     Mikhail Moshkov (Russia)
     Hung Son Nguyen (Poland)
     Kanji Ohsima (Japan)
     Ewa Orlowska (Poland)
     Piero Pagliani (Italy)
     Witold Pedrycz (Canada)
     James F. Peters (Canada)
     Zdzislaw Piasta (Poland)
     Henri Prade (France)
     Mohamed Quafafou (France)
     Vijay Raghavan (USA)
     Sheela Ramanna (Canada)
     Qiang Shen (UK)
     Krzysztof Slowinski (Poland)
     Jerzy Stefanowski (Poland)
     Jaroslaw Stepaniuk (Poland)
     Zbigniew Suraj (Poland)
     Roman Swiniarski (USA)
     Hans-Michael Voigt (Germany)
     Anita Wasilewska (USA)
     S.K.M. Wong (Canada)
     Xindong Wu (USA)
     Satoshi Yamane (Japan)
     Lizhu Zhou (China)
     Jan Zytkow (USA)

Conference and Hotel Home Pages:

Banff Park Lodge:

The conference participants will enjoy the special very attractive
room rate of $99 Canadian, or approximately $68 US, in this prime
Banff hotel.

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