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DM: Final call for papers: Application of AI in industry

From: Graham Williams
Date: Sat, 27 May 2000 10:30:25 +1000 (EST)

Dear Colleague,

This is the final call for papers for presentation in the industrial
track of the Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial
Intelligence (PRICAI-00) to be held in Melbourne, Australia,
28 August - 1 September, 2000. Papers are due 15 June.

Both short overview and longer detailed papers that describe
experiences in applying AI, both successful and not successful, are
specifically being elicited.  Pitfalls, lessons learnt, strategies for
success, and identification of opportunities for research are all
important experiences to share with the AI community.

We hope you will consider submitting your experiences.

Please forward this email onto any of your colleagues in industry who
may have experiences to share.

Yours sincerely,

Dickson Lukose,  MindShare, USA
Graham Williams, CSIRO, Australia


  Symposium on the Application of Artificial Intelligence in Industry

		   In Conjunction With PRICAI'2000

		    28 August - 1 September, 2000
			Melbourne, Australia

			Symposium Co-Chairs:

  Dr Dickson Lukose			Dr Graham Williams
  Brightware Inc., USA			CSIRO, Australia

Please submit papers to by 15 June 2000.


The Symposium on the Application of Artificial Intelligence in
Industry (to be held in conjunction with PRICAI'2000) will be the
second in the series. This symposium is the leading forum in the
Pacific Rim for the presentation of the innovative applications of AI
in industry. The objectives of the symposium are:

     1. to provide a forum for the discussion of innovative
        applications of AI in industry;

     2. to provide practising engineers exposure to and an evaluation
        of current research, tools, and practices in industry;

     3. to provide the research community a forum for exposing them to
        the problems of the practical applications of AI in industry;

     4. to encourage the exchange of practical AI technologies and

Details of this symposium can be found at

Details of PRICAI-2000 are available from


Papers describing applied research and deployed applications that
include some aspects of Artificial Intelligence technology are
particularly sought. Topics of the symposium include all areas of AI
application development, project management, systems evaluation and
deployment. Papers for this symposium can address any of the following
combination of issues:

       Discussions of applications with performance evaluation data

       Ongoing efforts to develop large-scale or domain-specific
       knowledge bases or ontologies

       Development of domain or task focused tools, techniques, or methods

       Evaluations of AI tools, techniques or methods for domain

       Unsuccessful attempts to apply particular tools, techniques or
       methods to specific domains (which provide insights into the
       applicability and limitations of the tool, technique or method)

       System architectures that work

       Scalability of techniques

       Integration of AI with other technologies

       System and software engineering of intelligent systems

       Development methodologies

       Validation and Verification

       Lessons learned

       Social and other technology transition issues

       Successful or Failed Project Management Methodology, Tools and

       Successful or Failed Knowledge Acquisition and Modelling Efforts

We are particularly interested in the integration issues, and
specifically interested in why certain applications fail to be


       15 June 2000 Submission deadline for papers
       15 July 2000 Paper notification deadline
       31 July 2000 Camera-ready paper deadline


Two category of papers will be accepted. They are:

     1. Short Papers - based on work in progress.

     2. Long Papers - based on deployed systems (include failed systems
        that was not deployed).

Short papers should be no longer then 7 pages, and long papers should
be no longer than 15 pages including all tables, figures, and

Electronic submission of Microsoft Word or PDF (preferred) documents
are encouraged as email attachments sent to
The format should be for A4 paper with a Times Roman font set at 12pt
with 1.5 line spacing. Text should have a 2.5cm (1 inch) margin on all
sides. The email should also include a clear text version of the
title, authors and abstract.

All papers should be sent electronically to

If you have any queries please contact Dickson Lukose or Graham
Williams. All correspondance regarding this symposium should be
emailed to

Multiple submission policy for papers:

Papers that are being submitted to other conferences, whether verbatim
or in essence, must reflect this fact on the title page. If a paper is
accepted at another conference (with the exception of specialised
workshops), it must be withdrawn from the symposium.  Papers that do
not meet these requirements are subject to rejection without review.


The same high standards set by PRICAI will be followed in reviewing
papers submitted to this symposium. All submissions will be reviewed
on the basis of relevance, originality, significance, soundness and
clarity. Three referees will review each submission to ensure a high
standard of quality with the appropriate focus on applications.


The proceedings will be formally published (ISBN) and distributed to
all PRICAI-2000 attendees and, concurrently, published on-line through
the AI Applications Symposium home page.


  Leila Alem                   CSIRO, Australia
  Andrew Blair		      BT Financial Group, Australia
  Shu Heng Chen		      National Chengchi University, Taiwan
  Sung-Bae Cho                 Yonsei University, Korea
  Ernest Edmonds               Loughborough University, UK
  Vladimir Estivill-Castro     Newcastle University, Australia
  Usama Fayyad                 Microsoft, USA
  Brian Garner                 Deakin University, Australia
  Warwick Graco                Health Insurance Commission, Australia
  Mark Grundy                  Dialog, Australia
  Tim Hawes		      Mindbox Inc, USA
  Zhexue Huang                 ETI, The University of Hong Kong
  Philip Jackson               Intra - Team IT, UK
  Ryszard Kowalczyk            CSIRO, Australia
  Robert Kremer                University of Calgary, Canada
  Chris Leckie                 Telstra, Australia
  Patrick Mahaffey             Mindbox Inc, USA
  Setsuo Ohsuga                Waseda University, Japan
  William Richer               Mindbox Inc, USA
  David Ripley                 CSC/NASA, USA
  Dharmendra Sharma            Univ South Pacific, Suva, Fiji
  Robert Straughan             Inst for High Performance Computing, Singapore
  Said Tabet                   Mindbox Inc, USA
  Alain Verheyden              Bann, Belgium
  Ian Watson		      University of Auckland, NZ
  Wayne Wobcke                 British Telecom, UK

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