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DM: EKAW'2000 Call for Papers

From: Rose Dieng
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2000 19:31:30 +0100


 12th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge 
Juan-les-Pins, French Riviera, October 2-6, 2000.

EKAW'2000 (12th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management) aims at gathering researchers working on any area concerning methods, techniques and tools for the construction and the exploitation of knowledge-intensive systems and for knowledge management.

Papers are welcome on the following topics (not exclusive):

Languages and frameworks for knowledge engineering and knowledge

Tools and techniques for knowledge engineering and knowledge

Acquiring knowledge through machine learning, data-mining and
knowledge discovery in databases.

Knowledge management, enterprise modeling and corporate memories.

Methods and techniques for reuse of knowledge and knowledge models,
in particular related to the construction, use, and maintenance of 
supporting libraries of problem-solving methods and ontologies.

Terminology, ontologies and knowledge acquisition from texts

Knowledge engineering and knowledge management over the Internet.

Exploitation of Intranet for knowledge engineering and knowledge 

Integration of knowledge from different groups in an organization

Knowledge sharing between different groups in an organization
(possibly via Internet/Intranet)

Cooperative (possibly WWW-based) building, adaptation and evolution
of a corporate memory

WWW-based repositories for sharable ontologies and reusable 
problem-solving methods

WWW-based terminology servers

Agent-oriented approaches to knowledge engineering and management.

Use of knowledge engineering approaches for intelligent information 
integration, knowledge retrieval and meta-content descriptions.

Evaluation of methods, techniques and tools for knowledge engineering
and knowledge management.

Submission Procedure

Authors should submit by March 15, 2000, a full paper electronically
 either as a postscript, html or pdf file by emailing the 
 corresponding URL. In addition, authors should submit an ascii 
 version of their title page by email.
 Submission address :

Submission Format

The first page of submitted papers should include: title, author names, 
affiliations, postal addresses, electronic mail addresses, telephone and fax
numbers for all authors, and a brief abstract. All correspondence will be
sent to the author designed as contact person in the electronic title page.

Submissions should not exceed 6000 words and should be printed on A4 paper 
with at least 1 inch margins on all sides. Notice that since the proceedings

will be published as LNAI, authors using
LaTeX may already use the Springer style files.

International Program Committee of EKAW'2000

Chairs and main organizers

       Rose DIENG, INRIA-Sophia-Antipolis (F)          
       Olivier CORBY, INRIA-Sophia-Antipolis (F)

Program Committee

       Stuart AITKEN, University of Glasgow (UK)
       Hans AKKERMANS, University of Twente (NL)
       Nathalie AUSSENAC, IRIT- CNRS Toulouse (F)
       Richard BENJAMINS, University of Amsterdam (NL)
       Brigitte BIEBOW, LIPN, Université Paris-Nord (F) 
       Jeff BRADSHAW ,   Boeing Corp. (USA)
       Frances BRAZIER, Free University of Amsterdam
       Joost BREUKER, University of Amsterdam (NL)
       Paul COMPTON, University of New South Wales (AU) 
       John DOMINGUE, Open University (UK)
       Dieter FENSEL, Free University of Amsterdam (NL)
       Jean-Gabriel GANASCIA, LIP6-University Paris VI (F)
       Yolanda GIL, ISI, University of Southern California (USA)
       Asuncion GOMEZ-PEREZ, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (ES)
       Nicola GUARINO, National Research Council (I)
       Udo HAHN, University of Freiburg (G)
       Rob KREMER, University of Calgary (CA)
       Franck MAURER, University of Calgary (CA)
       Riichiro MIZOGUCHI, Osaka University (JP) 
       Martin MOLINA, Technical University of Madrid (ES) 
       Enrico MOTTA, Open University (UK)
       Mark MUSEN, Stanford University (USA)
       Enric PLAZA I CERVERA , Spanish Scientific Research Council, CSIC
       Ulrich REIMER, Swiss Life (CH)
       Chantal REYNAUD, University of Nanterre, University of Paris-Sud (F)
       François ROUSSELOT, LIIA-ENSAIS, University of Strasbourg (F)  
       Marie-Christine ROUSSET, University of Paris-Sud (F)
       Franz SCHMALHOFER, DFKI, Kaiserslautern (G)
       Guus SCHREIBER, University of Amsterdam (NL)
       Nigel SHADBOLT, University of Southampton (UK)
       Derek SLEEMAN, University of Aberdeen (UK)
       Rudi STUDER, University of Karlsruhe (G)
       Jan TREUR, Free University Amsterdam (NL)
       Andre VALENTE, ISI, University of Southern California (USA) 
       Frank van HARMELEN, Free University Amsterdam (NL)
       Gertjan VAN HEIJST, Kenniscentrum CIBIT (NL) 
       Thomas WETTER, University of Heidelberg (G)

Steering committee
       Nathalie AUSSENAC, IRIT- CNRS Toulouse (F) 
       Richard BENJAMINS, University of Amsterdam (NL)
       Joost BREUKER, University of Amsterdam (NL) 
       B. CHANDRASEKARAN, Ohio University (USA)
       Dieter FENSEL, Free University of Amsterdam (NL)
       Brian GAINES, University of Calgary (CA)
       Riichiro MIZOGUCHI, Osaka University (JP) 
       Enrico MOTTA, Open University (UK) 
       Mark MUSEN, Stanford University (USA) 
       Nigel SHADBOLT, University of Southampton (UK)
       Rudi STUDER, University of Karlsruhe (G) 
       Frank Van HARMELEN, Free University Amsterdam (NL) 
Organization committee

       Olivier CORBY, INRIA-Sophia-Antipolis, F
       Rose DIENG, INRIA-Sophia-Antipolis, F
       Monique SIMONETTI, INRIA-Sophia-Antipolis, F

Important dates

 Submission deadline: March 15, 2000
 Notification of acceptance: May 1, 2000
 Camera ready copy and author registration: June 15, 2000
 Conference: October 2-6, 2000

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