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From: Stefano Cagnoni
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2000 22:17:49 +0100

SPECIAL SESSION AT IV2000: Autonomous Vehicle Cooperation and Coordination

See the attached call for papers
(apologies if you receive multiple copies of this)
                       C A L L   F O R   P A P E R S

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                                  IV 2000

                     IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium

                  The Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Dearborn, MI, USA
                             October 4-5, 2000

   The  IEEE  Intelligent   Transportation  System  Council  (ITSC)  is
sponsoring  a  professional-level  conference  on basic  research  and
present   and  future  applications   for  Intelligent   Vehicles  and
Intelligent  Infrastructures.   Papers  dealing with  vehicle-centered
intelligent systems are solicited.  This symposium is characterized by
a single session  format so that all the attendees  remain in a single
room for  multilateral communications  in an informal  atmosphere.  As
another tradition,  the meetings have  enthusiastic participation from
industry,  as well  as research  centers and  universities.   The IEEE
Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) will be held at
the  same location on  Oct.  2-3,  2000, and  a single  -reduced rate-
registration option will be available for both Conferences, as well as
individual registrations.


  Driver Assistance Systems      System Architectures           Sensors
  Navigation/Guidance Systems    Imaging and Vision Enhancement Vehicle Control
  Information Systems            Human-machine Interfaces       Active Safety
  Traffic Monitoring and Control Communications and Networks    CAN


   Prospective authors are invited to submit a paper in electronic form
(Postscript)  by  March  1st,  2000  for peer  review,  following  the
submission guidelines available at

   Submitted  papers must  be  no longer  than  six (6)  pages in  IEEE
two-column format, including  figures and references. Papers exceeding
this  length limit  may be  rejected  without review.  The first  page
should  include (1)  the title  of  the paper,  (2) the  names of  the
authors,  (3) the  technical  categories, and  (4)  the name,  mailing
address, telephone and  fax number, and e-mail address  of the contact
author.  Same  papers  may  not  be  submitted to  both  IV  and  ITSC


Military Applications  and Current  Research

Theme: This  session will provide  an opportunity to  explore research
  and development activities  for autonomous and semi-autonomous ground
  vehicle  systems.   It   examines  the  technology  requirements  and
  operational  capabilities of robotic  vehicle programs  for military,
  and   commercial   applications.    The   session   brings   together
  technologists  to  discuss needs,  opportunities  and approaches  for
  adapting commercial  automotive intelligent systems  to meet military
  off-road autonomous  applications.  The conference  provides a unique
  opportunity to identify commercial research projects and leverage the
  results  to meet crucial  military requirements.

Topics: Government and  Commercial programs: technical and performance
  challenges,  system  performance,   test  results,  lessons  learned;
  Machine  perception  for navigation  and  mission execution;  Vehicle
  mobility  and  motion  control;  Operator interface  and  human-robot

  Bruce  Brendle   U.S.   Army  Tank-automotive   &  Armaments  Command

Autonomous Driving on Extreme Courses

  Theme:  This   session  is  concerned  with   research  and  advanced
   development  for  autonomous  vehicle  guidance in  extreme  driving
   environment. Coping  with such conditions is a  prerequisite for the
   introduction  of  advanced driver  assistance  functions.  Hence,  a
   discussion  of the requirements  and approaches  to meet  with these
   challenging conditions  is expected  to enhance insight  into future
   developments,  reveal  missing links  between  current research  and
   realization  and provide  impetus for  new activities.   The session
   will gather  experts from various  disciplines to shed light  on the
   topic   from   different   views.   Topics:   System   architecture,
   Multisensor  systems,  Advanced  vehicle control,  Driving  strategy
   formation, Self-assessment,  Reliability and Safety,  Driving robot.

   Christoph   Stiller,    Robert   Bosch   GmbH,   Germany

User Interfaces for On-Board Systems

  Theme:  This  session  will   focus  on  user  interfaces  issues  in
   vehicle-centered  intelligent systems  and will  feature experiences
   from  the usability  engineering perspective.   Issues  include, for
   instance, feedback,  integration, synchronization, context,  and how
   to make the  most value from devices within  vehicles: many of these
   are  also issues for  stand-alone systems,  but mobility  adds extra
   problems  and opportunities.   Those attending  the session  will be
   able to learn  from and establish contacts with  researchers who are
   innovators   in  developing   human-computer   interfaces.

  Topics: Feedback, Feedthrough, Integration, Synchronization, Context,
   Multimodality, Design, Prototyping, Evaluation, Empirical studies.

    Mauro Mosconi University of Pavia, Italy

Vehicle Motion Control Systems

  Theme:  This session  will focus  on control  systems  for autonomous
   vehicle  motion.   Longitudinal and  lateral  control strategies  of
   car-like  vehicles will be  presented and  the tight  interplay with
   sensing systems  (vision and  nonvision based) will  be highlighted.
   This   session  solicits  methodology   contributions  as   well  as
   experimental results.

  Topics: Automatic steering control, Sensing systems, Visual guidance,
   Image   dynamics  estimation,  Trajectory   generation,  Supervisory
   control, Advanced control systems design.

   Aurelio Piazzi, Corrado Guarino Lo Bianco University of Parma, Italy

Autonomous Vehicle Cooperation and Coordination

  Theme:  Cooperation and  coordination of  activities and  actions are
  fundamental  tasks   when  more  than   one  agent  is   involved  in
  accomplishing  a complex  common  goal.  During  the  last few  years
  several projects  have been started  on such a topic.   Among others,
  the  European  Handshaking (part  of  Prometheus Project)  subproject
  where  automobiles exchange  information to  better  organize traffic
  flow;  the Japanese  rescue  project for  intervention of  autonomous
  vehicles  (robots)  during  catastrophic  events;  the  international
  RoboCup  initiative  where  a  team  of  autonomous  indoor  vehicles
  (robots)  have to  coordinate  their actions  to  implement a  common
  strategy  to compete  against another  team according  to  the soccer
  rules.  The  goal of the workshop  is to focus on  indoor and outdoor
  autonomous vehicles  cooperation and coordination  issues and related

  Topics:  fleets  of  indoor/outdoor autonomous  vehicles;  autonomous
   vehicles cooperation; team  strategies for autonomous vehicles; team
   coordination   in  challenging   environments;   team  competitions;
   cooperative/competitive    behaviours;    cooperative    distributed

   Giovanni   Adorni,  University    of   Parma,    Italy
   Hiroaki Kitano, Sony Computer Science Labs, Japan

To propose other Special Sessions, please contact the Program Chair at


        Papers due for peer review . . . . . . . . . . . . March 1, 2000
        Notification of acceptance . . . . . . . . . . . . . May 1, 2000
        Camera-ready copy for proceedings due  . . . . . .  July 1, 2000


   Please  refer frequently  to  the following  websites  for the  most
  up-to-date information  or contact  the General Chair  (Jim Rillings,  or   the  Program  Chair   (Alberto  Broggi,

    IV-2000 Home Page: . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    ITSC-2000 Home Page: . .
    IEEE ITS Council Home Page:  . . . . . . . . . . .


        General Chair:
          Jim Rillings, General Motors (USA)

        Program Chair:
          Alberto Broggi, Univ. of Pavia (I)

        Program Co-Chairs:
          Michel Parent, INRIA (F)
          Katsu Ikeuchi, Univ. of Tokyo (J)
          Richard Bishop, R.Bishop Consulting (USA)

        Advisory Chair:
          Ichiro Masaki, MIT (USA)

        Publicity Chair:
          Alessandra Fascioli, Univ. of Parma (I)

        Finance Chair:
          Richard Klafter, Temple Univ. (USA)

        Local Chair:
          Jay Parikh, General Motors (USA)


        James Albus                       NIST (USA)
        Masanori Aoki          Sumitomo Electric (J)
        Masayoshi Aoki              Seikei Univ. (J)
        Bart van Arem                  TNO Inro (NL)
        Edwin Bastiaensen        Transport Res. (NL)
        Margrit Betke           Boston College (USA)
        Erwin R. Boer         Nissan Cambridge (USA)
        Kim L. Boyer          Ohio State Univ. (USA)
        Gianfranco Burzio          FIAT Research (I)
        Max Donath          Univ. of Minnesota (USA)
        Michael Dudzik              ERIM Int'l (USA)
        Wilfried Enkelmann      Fraunhofer Inst. (D)
        Uwe Franke               DaimlerChrysler (D)
        Takehiko Fujioka          Univ. of Tokyo (J)
        Alastair Gale            Univ. of Derby (UK)
        Masatoshi Ishikawa        Univ. of Tokyo (J)
        Toshio Ito                Daihatsu Motor (J)
        Pushkin Kachroo         Virginia Tech. (USA)
        Michitaka Kameyama          Tohoku Univ. (J)
        Karl Kluge           Univ. of Michigan (USA)
        Ryuji Kohno         Yokohama Natl. Univ. (J)
        Claude Laurgeau          Ecole des Mines (F)
        Jim Misener             PATH, Berkeley (USA)
        Kenji Nagao          Matsushita Research (J)
        Hans-H. Nagel            Karlsruhe Univ. (D)
        Wassim G. Najm            Volpe Center (USA)
        Masao Nakagawa                Keio Univ. (J)
        Kunitoshi Nishikawa           Toyota R&D (J)
        Kenshi Nishimura                     NEC (J)
        Shiro Ogata              Omron Corp. R&D (J)
        Yuichi Ohta             Univ. of Tsukuba (J)
        K. Venkatesh Prasad          Ford Res. (USA)
        Shigeru Sasaki          Fujitsu Labs Ltd (J)
        Christoph Stiller           Robert Bosch (D)
        Yasuo Tanokura        Nikkei Electronics (J)
        Sadayuki Tsugawa                    MITI (J)
        Pravin Varaiya             UC Berkeley (USA)
        Jacques Verly         MIT Lincoln Lab. (USA)
        Feiyue Wang           Univ. of Arizona (USA)
        Shoichi Washino         Mitsubishi Corp. (J)
        Chip White           Univ. of Michigan (USA)
        Glenn Widmann              Delphi Auto (USA)

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