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DM: call for papers

From: Tan-Sheng Li
Date: Sun, 19 Mar 2000 18:57:31 +0800
  • Organization: National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology


                               Call for Papers

                     The Second International Workshop on
         Software Engineering and Multimedia Applications (SEMA2000)

                          August 1 - August 2, 2000

                             in conjunction with

                     The 12th International Conference on
                Systems Research, Informatics and Cybernetice
                           July 31 - August 5, 2000
                        The Markgraf-Ludwing-Gymnasium
                             Baden-Baden, Germany



Software development is a complicated process. It requires a systematic
approach in different phases of the development. From the analysis of
system requirements, to the design of software architecture,
implementation, testing, and maintenance, each step has its goal.
Engineering, as one of the most interesting research areas of computer
engineering, still plays an important role. On the other hand, there has

been an explosive growth of multimedia computing, communication and
applications in the last few years. This revolution is transforming the
people live, work, and interact with each other, and is impacting the
businesses, government services, education, entertainment, and health
are operating. It is safe to say that the multimedia revolution is
underway. The purpose of this workshop is to serve as a forum for the
exchange of ideas among practicing engineers and researchers from around

the world, as well as highlight current activities and important topics
the fields of software engineering and multimedia computing. The
organizers seek contributions of high quality papers, addressing various

aspects of software tools and multimedia systems, for presentation at
workshop and publication in the proceedings. Topics of interest include,

but are not limited to:

Software Engineering:

    * software development life cycle
    * project management
    * project cycle time reduction and cost-effectiveness
    * software metrics and testing
    * software reuse
    * CASE tools
    * distributed software engineering
    * training and competency development
    * the "people" aspects of software development
    * strategic and tactical aspects of quality journey
    * approaches to product quality management
    * reverse engineering and re-engineering
    * object-oriented software engineering
    * formal specification issues in software engineering
    * software maintenance
    * software development in UML

Multimedia Computing:

    * distributed multimedia databases and computing
    * multi-paradigmatic information retrieval
    * modeling and analysis of distributed multimedia systems
    * OS support for distributed multimedia systems
    * multimedia communications and networking
    * multimedia digital libraries and mail systems
    * multimedia human-computer interaction
    * multimedia applications for CSCW
    * distance education
    * electronic commerce, tele-conferencing, tele-medicine.
    * visual and multidimensional languages for multimedia applications
    * multimedia workflows
    * multimedia stream synchronization
    * mobile agent technologies in multimedia communication
    * multimedia data mining
    * intelligent multimedia applications
    * Web-based multimedia information systems
    * Java computing

Special Sessions

    * Web-based Multimedia Systems for Distance Education
    * Java Networked Multimedia Systems

Honorary Workshop Chair

    * Joe Yang, National Kaohsiung First University of Science and
      Technology, Taiwan

Steering Comittee

    * Nikitas Assimakopoulos, University of Piraeus, Greece
    * Ming-Syan Chen, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
    * George E. Lasker, University of Windsor, Canada (Chair)
    * Franc Solina, University of Ljubljana, Solvenia

General Co-Chairs

    * Sheng-Tun Li, National Kaohsiung First University of Science and
      Technology, Taiwan
    * Abdulmotaleb El Saddik, Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany


International Advisors

    * Chin-Chen Chang, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan
    * Makoto Takizawa, Tokyo Denki University, Japan
    * Timothy K. Shih, Tamkang University, Taiwan

Program Committee Co-Chairs

    * Carsten Griwodz, Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany
    * Chao-Hsin Lin, National Kaohsiung First University of Science and
      Technology, Taiwan

Program Committee

    * Mario Dal Canto, CyberTel Inc., USA
    * Ing-Ray Chen, Virginia Tech, USA
    * Shu-Ching Chen, Florida International University, USA
    * H. Michael Chung, California State University, Long Beach, USA
    * Anton Cizmar, Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia
    * Jonathan Gray, University of Wollongong, Australia
    * William Grosky, Wayne State University, USA
    * Stephen Huang, University of Houston, USA
    * Chung-Nan Lee, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan
    * Ibrahim Kamel, Panasonic Technologies Inc., USA
    * Richard C. Linger, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
    * Jun-ichi Mizusawa, NTT, Japan
    * Richard E. Orwig, Washington State University, USA
    * Jeng-Jong Pan, Health Care Financing Administration, USA
    * Jeong-Hyun Park, ETRI, Korea
    * Frank Y. Shih, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
    * Li Yen Shue, University of Wollongong, Australia
    * Arnd Steinmetz, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA
    * Syed Mahbubr Rahman, North Dakota State University, USA
    * Shi-Chun Tsai, National Chi-Nan Univeristy, Taiwan
    * Chun-Chia Wang, Kuang Wu Institute of Technology and Commerce,
    * Michael Weber, University of Ulm, Germany
    * Son T. Vuong, University of British Columbia, Canada

Paper Submission

Paper must be written in English. Please send your submission either
electronic (preferable) in pdf or postscript format or four copies of
complete manuscript with a 200-word abstract and no more than 5 pages of

single-column and single-spaced text (include figures and references) by

April 1st, 2000 to:

Abdulmotaleb El Saddik
Industrial Process and System Communications (KOM)
Darmstadt University of Technology
Merckstr. 25
64283 Darmstadt, Germany
Phone: +49-6151-166158
Fax: +49-6151-166152

Important Dates

    * Paper submission due: April 1, 2000
    * Acceptance Notification: April 25, 2000
    * Final manuscript due: May 15, 2000

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Page last updated on Mar. 9, 2000 [Image]

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