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From: Doug Reid
Date: Wed, 03 May 2000 15:18:13 -0700
PRELIMINRAY?  I'm afraid to attend.

Good luck

 > -------------------
 > FRIDAY, July 7, 2000
 > ====================
 > 8:45 - 9:00 Welcome
 > Session 1 >> Personal Information Agents
 > [9:00 - 9:45]
 > Invited Talk:
 > Life-Like Synthetic Characters in the Internet: The Future Landscape.
 > Elisabeth Andre, DFKI GmbH, Intelligent User Interfaces Lab, Germany.
 > [9:45 - 10:30]
 > Invited Talk:
 > Affective Computing for Future Agents.
 > Rosalind W. Picard, MIT Media Laboratory, Media Arts and Sciences, USA.
 > 10:30 - 11:00
 > ** Discussion/Coffee Break **
 > Session 2 >> Rational Information Agents for E-Commerce (1)
 > [11:00 - 11:30]
 > Bilateral negotiation with incomplete and uncertain information:
 > A decision-theoretic approach using a model of the opponent.
 > C. Mudgal, J. Vassileva
 > [11:30 - 12:00]
 > On ensuring lower bounds of negotiation results.
 > O. Goerlitz, R. Neubert, W. Benn
 > 12:00 - 14:00
 > ** LUNCH BREAK **
 > [14:00 - 15:00]
 > Invited Talk:
 > Collaborating Rational Agents for Next-Generation E-Commerce.
 > Jeff Kephart, IBM Thomas Watson Research Center, USA.
 > Session 3 >> Societies of Information Agents
 > [15:00 - 15:30]
 > Small-world reputation management in online communities.
 > B. Yu, M.P. Singh
 > 15:30 - 16:00
 > ** Coffee Break **
 > [16:00 - 16:30]
 > A cybernetic approach to the modeling of agent communities.
 > W. Truszkowski, J. Karlin
 > [16:30 - 17:00]
 > Role of acquaintance models in agent-based production planning system.
 > M. Pechoucek, V. Marik, O. Stepankova
 > [17:00 - 17:45]
 > Invited Talk:
 > Emergent Societies of Information Agents.
 > Paul Davidsson, University of Karlskrona/Ronneby, SoC, Sweden.
 > SATURDAY, July 8, 2000
 > ======================
 > [9:00 - 10:00]
 > Invited Talk:
 > Inspiration for Future Autonomous Space Systems.
 > Richard J. Doyle, Center for Space Mission Information and Software
 > Systems, Jet Propulsion Lab, USA.
 > Session 4 >> Agent-Based Information Gathering and Mediation
 > [10:00 - 10:30]
 > Knowledge agents on the Web.
 > Y. Aridor, D. Carmel, A. Soffer, Y.S. Maarek
 > 10:30 - 11:00
 > ** Coffee Break/Discussion **
 > [11:00 - 11:30]
 > ICEBERG: Exploiting context in information brokering agents.
 > C.M. Jonker, A. Vollebregt
 > [11:30 - 12:00]
 > A dynamic access planning method for information mediator.
 > Y. Kitamura, T. Noda, S. Tatsumi
 > [12:00 - 12:30]
 > Applying agents to bioinformatics problems.
 > K. Bryson, M. Joy, M. Luck, D. Jones
 > 12:30 - 14:00
 > ** LUNCH BREAK **
 > Session 5 >> Issues of Communication and Collaboration
 > [14:00 - 15:00]
 > Invited Talk:
 > Communication and Cooperative Information Agents
 > Frank Dignum, Technical University of Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
 > [15:00 - 15:30]
 > Towards information agent interoperability.
 > S. Haustein, S. Luedecke
 > 15:30 - 16:00
 > [16:00 - 16:30]
 > Automatic ontology construction for a multiagent-based software gathering
 > service.
 > E. Mena, A. Illarramendi, A. Goni
 > [16:30 - 17:00]
 > Exploiting the ontological qualities of web resources:
 > Task-driven agents structure knowledge for problem solving.
 > L. Crow, N. Shadbolt
 > SUNDAY, July 9, 2000
 > ====================
 > [9:00 - 10:00]
 > Invited Talk:
 > Mobile Information Agents for Cyberspace - State of the Art and Visions.
 > Todd Papaioannu, Loughborough University, MSI Research Institute, UK.
 > 10:00 - 10:30
 > ** Coffee Break/Discussion **
 > Session 6 >> Information Agents: Inspiration, Design, and Implementations
 > [10:30 - 11:30]
 > Invited Talk:
 > Design of Collaborative Information Agents
 > Jan Treur, Free University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
 > [11:30 - 12:30] --- in a different room (internet connection) ---
 > Information Agent Systems Demonstrations:
 > * Knowledge Agent Demonstration
 >    D. Carmel, Information Retrieval and Organization, IBM Israel.
 > * GeneWeaver Demonstration
 >    K. Bryson, Uni Warwick, UK.
 > * ICEBERG Demonstration
 >    A.M. Vollebregt, and C. Jonker, VU Amsterdam, Netherlands.
 > * TWINS Demonstration - How can we visualize human social network?
 >    T. Kido, NTT, Japan.
 > 12:30 - 14:00
 > ** LUNCH BREAK **
 > Session 7 >> Rational Information Agents for E-Commerce (2)
 > [14:00 - 14:30]
 > Task assignment in multiagent systems based on Vickrey-type auctioning and
 > leveled commitment contracting.
 > F. Brandt, W. Brauer, G. Weiss
 > [14:30 - 15:00]
 > Auction-based agent negotiation via programmable tuple spaces.
 > G. Cabri, L. Leonardi, F. Zambonelli
 > [15:00 - 15:30]
 > Towards an experience based negotiation agent.
 > W.Y. Wong, D.M. Zhang, M. Kara-Ali
 > 16:30 - 17:00
 > ** CLOSING Session **
 > -----------
 > In addition to the invited talks CIA-2000 offers you 14 regular
 > high-quality talks which will report on recent progress in the
 > area of intelligent information agents.
 > Updated information on the preliminary program can be found at:
 > The CIA workshop proceedings are published in the Springer LNAI series
 > (LNAI vol. 1202, 1435, 1652).
 > Proceedings of CIA-2000 workshop will be available at the workshop.
 > ------------
 > The 4th intl CIA-2000 workshop is a federated event of and hosted by
 > the 4th intl conference on Multiagent Systems ICMAS-2000.
 > CIA-2000 registration fee amounts to
 > - Early (Received By May 1, 2000): 250 USD
 > - Late (Received After May 1, 2000): 300 USD
 > - On-Site: 350 USD
 > Subtract $25 if you are also registering for ICMAS-2000 conference.
 > Registration fee entitles individual participant to complete access to to
 > CIA-2000 Workshop on Cooperative Information Agents, and associated
 > proceedings and events.
 > For registration please fill in and send, fax or email registration form
 > to be obtained at the workshop's web page:
 > or at ICMAS-2000 web page:
 > to
 > ICMAS-2000,c/o Professor Michael N. Huhns
 > Electrical Eng. and Computer Science Dept.
 > University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC 29208 USA
 > Fax: +1-803-777-8045 email:
 > -----------------------
 > Since CIA-2000 workshop is a federated event of
 > ICMAS-2000 conference. Both, CIA-2000 and ICMAS-2000,
 > share the same conference site which is the Boston Park
 > Plaza Hotel in Boston, USA:
 > The ICMAS-2000 organizers have arranged special room rates
 > with the Boston Park Plaza Hotel. These rates (excluding applicable
 > taxes) per night are $160 (single), $180 (double), $375+ (suite).
 > Additional persons are $20 per night.
 > Rollaway beds are in addition subject to a $25 fee per stay.
 > For less expensive hotels in the Boston city area you may check,
 > for example, the Boston City Guide (including hotels):
 > or the Boston Hotel Guide:
 > Please note: Rooms in Boston are already scarce in coming July,
 > as it is a very busy time. It is highly recommended to make your
 > room reservations as early as possible!
 > -------
 > Matthias Klusch
 > German AI Research Center Ltd. (DFKI GmbH)
 > Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3, 66123 Saarbr|cken, Germany
 > Tel.: +49-681-302-5297, +49-681-8317676
 > Fax: +49-681-302-2235, +49-681-8317676
 > EMail:

DOUGLAS B. REID, MA                Management Psychologists
John Fleury & Associates, Ltd.   Human Resource Consultants
710-1050 West Pender St.           604 683 6596 fax 604 684 7988
                           Vancouver, BC, Canada V6E 3S7

         Nan et ipsa scientia potestas est -  Knowledge is Power
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