Data Mining and Data Warehousing
Web Applications and Databases
(including Cold Fusion, Perl, CGI)
Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
Artificial Intelligence (Neural Nets, Expert Systems, Genetic Algorithms)
Competitive Intelligence (CI)
Very Large Databases
Large Scale Data Analysis and Statistical Analysis
Imaging and Document Management
Diverse Computer Platforms and Networks
(including Mainframe, PC, and Client/Server Architectures)
Database, Query, and Software Development Tools, CASE Tools
Executive Information and Decision Support Systems
Networking and Communications (including Internet/Intranets), and
Computer and Network Security.

Accessible Web Development
Nautilus Systems has completed the website for The Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled. It features searches of the JWOD procurement list for products and services. The site, www.jwod.gov, was developed using Cold Fusion and ASP and meets government accessibility requirements.
Case Study: Pharmaceutical Market Distribution
Identifying trends in the sale of allergy and
cold medication by geographic area by month saved a major pharmaceutical
company over $2 million per year by adjusting the timing of allergy and cold
medication reaching retail sales locations.